Solutions To Problems Epileptics Face About Wearing Braces

Dentist Articles

For epileptics, each decision raises a concern: Will this activity tire me out and trigger a seizure? What if I have a seizure in the middle of my performance or game? What will others think of me if they witness a seizure? These worries are real, but you are still full of ability and opportunity. If you are considering braces but are apprehensive about the added problems they might cause, continue reading to find solutions to some of your concerns.

The Problem: Increased Gum Sensitivity and Bleeding

When you get braces put on and adjusted, your gums are likely to swell and bleed briefly. They will have increased sensitivity as your mouth adjusts to the changes within it. For most people, this is a short irritation, but for epileptics, gum problems could be prolonged. Discuss which medications you are taking for epilepsy with your orthodontist – some medications cause gum swelling and bleeding. When coupled with braces, this could lead to long-term pain and even infection.

The Solution: Good Oral Hygiene

Your orthodontist might make some adjustments to your braces schedule (performing smaller adjustments or suggesting something that is safe to take alongside your current prescriptions). However, the best thing you can do to keep swelling and infection down is establish a good oral routine. Brushing and flossing – although painful when your gums are sore – is the best way to keep infection at bay and promote healing. Never miss your dental checkups when you are wearing braces, either. You'll get your brackets and teeth deep cleaned to help combat infection.

The Problem: Seizures Damage the Braces

Having a violent seizure takes a toll on your teeth. You are probably aware that you can loosen and chip teeth with a seizure, and are concerned that wearing braces will only increase the damage done. Unfortunately, it is true that a seizure can break brackets, increase the tissue damage inside your mouth, and ruin other braces parts such as bands. However, it is also true that your orthodontist can take measures to minimize the risks of wearing braces as an epileptic.

The Solution: Use Smaller Brackets and Eliminate Bands

There is a standard bracket size that is used for most orthodontist patients. However, for certain patients, smaller brackets are available. These brackets are more difficult for the orthodontist to adjust, but they make a big difference in your safety and well-being. When you experience a seizure, there will be less contact with the smaller brackets against the inside of your mouth. This reduces the risk of them breaking, and also keeps your inner cheek from experiencing as much tissue damage. Your orthodontist shouldn't use bands in your mouth, either, since bands can snap and pose a choking hazard during a seizure.

The Problem: Retainers Block Airways

Lastly, as an orthodontic patient and an epileptic, you need to discuss the risks of using removable oral appliances with your orthodontist. When you have a seizure, a retainer or mouth guard is easily dislodged and can obstruct your airway. Even if it doesn't make its way to the back of your throat, there is still risk of clamping down on it with your teeth and damaging the appliance and your teeth, cutting your cheek and gums, and frightening you when you come to.

The Solution: Use Permanent Fixtures

You shouldn't have to wear a retainer until your braces are off, but it is still something to consider and talk about in advance. The best option for you is to get a permanent retainer and avoid removable mouth guards completely.

Sometimes it can feel like epilepsy is dictating your life, but when it comes to looking and feeling good about your teeth, you shouldn't let it stop you. Tackle the problems that arise from wearing braces as an epileptic head on. Your orthodontist or professionals from a site like can do a lot to help you have a positive experience.


6 August 2015