Smile Design: Four Things You May Not Expect A Cosmetic Dentist To Consider

Dentist Articles

Research shows that smiling can actually reduce stress levels. Indeed, in one study, participants who smiled during a stressful task had a lower heart rate during the recovery period, and the people in the survey also said they felt better as a result of a beaming smile. That aside, some people choose not to smile because they simply don't want to show off their problem teeth, so it's important to understand how a cosmetic dentist can help you undergo a smile transformation that will give you your confidence again. What sort of things will a cosmetic dentist need to consider when designing the perfect smile for you? Here are four considerations you may not have thought about.

Your age

When designing a great, new smile, it's vital for a dentist to consider the patient's age. While there's no reason that you shouldn't want (or get) a brilliant smile at any age, it's also important to remember that your teeth naturally change as you get older, so you need to get a smile that matches your age.

For example, the two front teeth (or maxillary central incisors) in your upper jaw are the most visible of all your teeth. For a young person, these teeth will not normally show signs of wear on the cutting edge, and you'll probably also expect the teeth to be clean and white. What's more, these tooth probably aren't visible when a young person relaxes his or her mouth, due to the strong muscle tone at this age. However, older people may have signs of wear and discoloration, with more tooth visible while relaxed, so a cosmetic dentist will consider all these things when designing a replacement smile that looks right for your age.

Facial symmetry

There are various imaginary lines that doctors and dentists refer when to when discussing facial symmetry and muscular definition. For example, the interpupillary line is an imaginary line that runs between the centers of the pupils in your eyes. This line is a core component in facial symmetry, so any changes that a cosmetic dentist makes must carefully consider this part of the face.

The occlusal plane is an imaginary plane (or line) that the teeth form when your jaws clench or close. According to the shape of your face, the plane is flat or steep, but good facial symmetry occurs when the interpupillary line is parallel to the occlusal plane. This, and other facial features, can help a cosmetic dentist design the perfect smile because he or she can consider different tooth sizes and shapes and how they help you achieve facial symmetry and balance.

How you pronounce your words

Teeth don't just help you eat. Your teeth also influence the way you speak. If you have any missing teeth, you will know what a big difference this can make, so it should come as no surprise that a cosmetic dentist will want to consider the impact a new smile will have on the way you pronounce certain sounds.

A cosmetic dentist will normally ask a patient to carry out several phonetic tests before undergoing any work. This helps the dentist understand how to make sure replacement teeth don't interfere with the way you speak. For example, your dentist may ask you to make the S sound. This can help the dentist make sure your new bottom front teeth sit perfectly behind and below the cutting edge of your top teeth when you close your mouth.

Your gender and personality

While healthy men and women have the same number of teeth, the appearance of these teeth varies between the two sexes. For example, women have round, smooth and more delicate top front teeth. However, these teeth are generally harder and square-edged in a man's smile.

Similarly, the shape of your front teeth can reflect your personality. For example, long, fang-like incisors can look aggressive and hostile (think Dracula), so you may want your dentist to design a softer, more passive smile by softening and rounding these teeth.

Effective smile design is not a simple task, and many elements can go into the perfect smile. Talk to an experienced cosmetic dentist for more information and advice. For more information, consider websites like 


27 April 2016