
The Uses of Dental Implant Technology

Dentist Blog

Dental implant technology is used by dentists to replace one or many missing teeth or to secure dentures in your mouth. When you are looking to improve your smile, your dentist may use dental implants to give you the smile you want. You can have a mouth full of teeth that look natural and are treated just like your existing teeth. As long as you are a good candidate for dental implants, this is an excellent way to restore your teeth.

30 April 2019

Missing Teeth and Getting Them Replaced? Why You Should Choose Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

If you have missing teeth and are getting them replaced, you have many options available. One of these options is getting dental implants installed in your mouth. Dental implants are surgically attached to the jawbone to support the denture. The implant fuses with your bone over time. There are many reasons why dental implants will work best for you, four of which are listed below. Easy to Care For Because the implants are surgically attached to your jawbone, they are like your other teeth.

29 March 2019

Ways That Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Could Be Harmful To Your Dental Health

Dentist Blog

The mental health issue of obsessive compulsive disorder is something that many people experience to varying degrees. While you might joke that you have OCD when it comes to keeping your desk organized, the reality is that some people who struggle with OCD experience this condition largely taking over their lives. When speaking to a family doctor or mental health professional is important, you'll also want to consider what your OCD might be doing to your dental health.

3 March 2019

Signs and Risk Factors That Could Indicate You Have Sleep Apnea

Dentist Blog

The next time you visit the dentist for a cleaning and exam, you should not be surprised if your dentist screens you for sleep apnea. Many dentists now offer sleep apnea screenings and treatment for sleep apnea, and this is because so many people have this condition but do not even know. If you have sleep apnea, you will likely have some of the risk factors and signs. Here are some of those signs.

4 February 2019

Why Saving A Tooth Is Better Than Pulling It And How A Root Canal Saves The Tooth

Dentist Blog

Root canals are important dental procedures because they save teeth. If you have an infected tooth, your dentist may give two options: an extraction or a root canal. Choosing a root canal is usually the best choice since you'll be able to save your tooth. Here's why saving your tooth is important and how a root canal can help do that. Why Saving A Bad Tooth Is Worth It A missing tooth can affect your appearance, but even if the tooth is in the back of your mouth and out of sight, you should still consider saving it rather than pulling it.

4 January 2019

Medications That Can Cause Bleeding Underneath Braces

Dentist Blog

There are a few medications that can make wearing braces a challenge. For example, anti-seizure medication can cause your gums to grow out of control, which can cause the gum tissue to grow over your teeth and in-between the spaces of your teeth. In addition, certain medications can cause problems with abnormal oral bleeding. Here are some medications that may cause bleeding under your brackets, and what you can do about it.

5 December 2018

Ways To Decrease Your Chances Of Developing A Cavity This Holiday Season

Dentist Blog

The holiday season can be rough on your teeth. You are eating more sugar than normally and since you are so busy, you may spend less time cleaning and caring for your teeth. Fortunately, there are a few and easy ways that can you can decrease your chances of developing a cavity this holiday season. Here are three tips to help you get through the holidays cavity-free.  Remember to Brush and Floss Regularly

4 November 2018

Don't Make Excuses! Choose Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Missing permanent teeth can affect people of all ages. This is not just a cosmetic problem, but a problem that is likely to cause oral issues down the road. A popular and effective solution to replace missing teeth is dental implants. This is a surgical procedure in which a titanium rod is placed in the gum and fused with the jawbone. Once the rod has properly bonded with the bone, an artificial tooth is attached.

8 October 2018

Ways That A Dentist Can Help Protect Your Child's Oral Health

Dentist Blog

If you are a parent, you may have a number of aspirations for your little one. However, one of your primary concerns for your child is likely their health. Still, general health is affected by many factors. Oral health plays a significant role in your youngster's overall well-being.  Poor oral health has been linked to systemic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and dementia. Thus, it is important to keep the teeth and gums in good condition.

12 September 2018

Items To Put In Your Dental First Aid Kit

Dentist Blog

A lost filling, a cracked tooth, or a toothache that won't go away is never any fun. It is especially troublesome if you can't get to a dentist right away. Although most people put together standard first aid kits for their home, dental first aid is often overlooked. Fortunately, you can remedy this situation so you are ready if a dental emergency strikes. Dental wax Think of dental wax as the bandage in your dental first aid kit.

22 August 2018