
Items To Put In Your Dental First Aid Kit

Dentist Blog

A lost filling, a cracked tooth, or a toothache that won't go away is never any fun. It is especially troublesome if you can't get to a dentist right away. Although most people put together standard first aid kits for their home, dental first aid is often overlooked. Fortunately, you can remedy this situation so you are ready if a dental emergency strikes. Dental wax Think of dental wax as the bandage in your dental first aid kit.

22 August 2018

What to Know When Getting Dental Veneers

Dentist Blog

Patients who are wanting to enhance their smile will likely want to review a variety of cosmetic procedures. Veneers can provide one of the most effective and fastest ways of dramatically remaking your smile, but you may want to be aware of some key points about veneers. Veneers Require Structural Changes to Your Teeth In order for the veneers to be applied to the teeth, a small amount of the enamel will have to be removed.

18 July 2018

When You Can Expect To Visit Your Orthodontist

Dentist Blog

Even if you have never had your teeth treated orthodontically, you may have known someone with braces who seemed to visit the orthodontist regularly. If you are now planning to have the alignment of your teeth corrected, you may be wondering why and when orthodontist visits are necessary. Here are few times that you can expect to visit your orthodontist for your treatment with braces. Application of the Appliance Once braces have been prescribed for your teeth, you will need to visit the orthodontist for their application.

26 June 2018

Seeking Out Dental Cleaning Services In Specific Situations

Dentist Blog

It's now common for people to visit the dentist a couple times a year for the sake of a cleaning. People will typically do this in order to keep their teeth healthy, preventing long-term problems in the process. However, some people have unique dental needs that will be addressed during a dental cleaning. All cleanings will vary from patient to patient. For instance, people who have dentures will need dental services.

26 May 2018

Understanding Your Options When Considering Tooth Restoration

Dentist Blog

Sometimes getting your teeth fixed involves more than just repairing the damage to the teeth. In cases where the tooth needs cosmetic repair as well as damage repair, you may have some options. But keep in mind that not every method is going to work in every case, so you need to consult your dentist to best understand your options. Cosmetic Veneers A veneer is a layer of dental porcelain placed over the tooth to improve the look of it after a repair is finished.

24 April 2018

Three Key Differences For Braces For Adults

Dentist Blog

So, you are an adult, and you now want to get braces to straighten your teeth. Okay, but are you aware that braces for adults are quite different than braces for children? In fact, there are some key differences that make the process a little more difficult for you now than if you had braces when you were younger. You should consider the following differences carefully and use them as you weigh your decision about getting braces.

24 March 2018

Four Critical Issues On Teeth Whitening Dangers Answered

Dentist Blog

Some people have serious fears of whitening their teeth, believing that doing so would expose them to serious injuries. Here are some of the questions people have on teeth whitening, and their factual answers: Is It Poisonous? Many chemicals are poisonous to the human body, so it is only natural to be concerned about the potential toxicity of tooth whitening products. Most experts agree that high doses of carbamide peroxide might be poisonous to the human body.

27 February 2018

What You Need To Know About Invisible Braces

Dentist Blog

If you have crooked teeth or other issues, you may be considering braces. However, having traditional metal braces as an adult can be embarrassing. Luckily, Invisalign offers invisible braces that correct your smile without letting everyone see a mouth of metal. If you are considering invisible braces, check out these four facts. They Are More Comfortable Traditional braces have metal brackets and wires that can be painful, especially whenever the braces are tightened.

26 January 2018

Treatments For A Cracked Tooth

Dentist Blog

If you have a fracture or crack in one of your teeth, this is something you definitely don't want to ignore. Once you have a fractured tooth it will be at an increased risk of completely breaking, as well as having other dental problems arise from it. Sometimes, it can be difficult to determine you have a fractured tooth if it is very small. In fact, the dentist may need to use a special dye on the tooth for them to be able to see it.

27 December 2017

3 Reasons To Choose A Dental Implant

Dentist Blog

A missing tooth can seriously compromise the overall aesthetic of your smile. While there are a few different options available to you when it comes to replacing a missing tooth, making the choice to invest in a dental implant can be wise. Here are three reasons why replacing your missing tooth with a dental implant might be your best option. 1. Dental implants help preserve bone density. The bone that anchors your teeth needs to be stimulated regularly in order to remain healthy.

27 November 2017